Yummy Strawberry Watermelon Smoothies

This is a quick and easy smoothie recipe that makes about 3 drinks.

I make mine in a VitaMix but a regular blender should work just as well if you chop the watermelon into small cubes first and quarter the strawberry.

Using a Regular Blender to Get a Smooth Smoothie

When using a regular blender, add a small amount of fruit then pulse a few times, add a little more and pulse again. When you've finished pulsing the fruit, blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Ingredients for Strawberry Watermelon Smoothie

  • 2 cups Watermelon
  • 1 1/2 cups frozen Strawberries
  • 1/2 to 1 cup Vanilla Yogurt (depending on your desired consistency, I'd start with 1/2 cup)

If using a VitaMix, cut the watermelon in slices, add the frozen strawberries and yogurt and blend until everything is nice and creamy.

If desired, more yogurt can be added. Yum!

What is your favorite smoothie recipe using watermelons and strawberries your kids like? Share your recipe with us.