A Healthy Transformation (An Interview with Jamie Skagen)

Hello Earth to Jamie friends. I really hope you like this article, this is an featured interview and my first one. Myself and Jamie, with whom the article is featuring, are very excited about this! I hope someone who reads this article can find some inspiration, if they needed some.

Jamie Skagen after a Run.

So, Who Is Jamie Skagen?

Jamie is my stepsister. She just turned 28. She owns a home in Kent, Washington and lives with her 3 sons, two of which are twins!!! She has her hands full I would say...... I did with just one boy!! Hahaha.She has ran one marathon and roughly five 5K's!!! Wow! 

She just recently started her own business. She is a health coach. If you are interested in finding more out about what she does, please visit her website which I have listed at the end of the interview. 

Jamie has inspired me many times with what I have read or seen, via her social media outlets. I thought this would be a good opportunity for others to be inspired as well, because we all need a little inspiration sometimes.

Here is an interview with Jamie, a beautiful person, living her life doing the best she can, a person that has done a 180 and running with it, with passion and determination!

Skagen Interview:

Earth to Jamie: What do you doing for a living?

Jamie Skagen: I am a health coach, right now I survive off of Criagslist, my savings and an extremely tight budget until my business gets going.

ETJ: Wow, that's what I call being committed and working hard to achieve what you want in life! I think it takes a lot of courage to work hard for what you want. What would you say to someone that was afraid of putting themselves out there?

JS: There is no reward without a risk. I spent 8 years of my life as a custodian when I knew I could be so much more. Never get comfortable and always trust your instincts. I took a huge risk and left my job which had retirement, benefits and great pay because I knew there was more out there for me. I say take a leap of faith and fulfill your purpose in this life. People "work for a living" but they aren't actually living so what are they working for?

ETJ: Wow, great advice. I myself feel I can do so much more so does Ryan, my husband... We struggle with this a lot..... I think for me, starting this website has been something I really enjoy. I would like to write a book one day!

You said all that so well, with great maturity and wisdom! How old are you?? Haha! What was it that inspired you to take the healthy road and get fit, eat good wholesome food and want to become a health coach?

JS: I started focusing on my health when I got pregnant with my twins, I wanted to make sure they didn't have any complications. It was still a long and slow journey of being tricked by marketing tactics as to what was actually healthy and not just labeled as such.

My journey really picked up the pace when I met an amazing man (now my best friend) who was further along in his health journey and he really was someone I looked up to. He got me into running which really changed my life, because I found exercising and when you combine the two you can do beautiful things! I realized I wanted to be a health coach when I realized that health and fitness is really the gateway into changing a person completely.

I found this secret to happiness and vitality and realized the world had to know! I have been inspiring those around me and have most of my family on board with me. There is no better feeling than inspiring someone to change their entire life!

ETJ: That is really awesome, to be inspired and follow through on it! To help others feel healthy and happy! How amazing to know who you want to be and be it! You have 3 kiddos, ALL BOYS!

How do you balance your work, your personal fitness and home? I know that can be an excuse for people, I have kids, I work and am too busy, there is no time... Shoot, I have used that excuse. What would you suggest to people that have a rough time finding a healthy balance between things in life?

JS: Honestly, right now I have an amazing childcare woman who lives really close by. She watches them during the day while I work and exercise. Before daycare though I made it happen, I started the insanity program and did the workouts in my living room, with my kids around, pausing it to break up fights, haha. I've also taken the twins out in my jogging stroller and Jesse on his bike and ran! If you want it badly enough there is always a way. Even without daycare right now I know I could make it happen still, just not as conveniently! What's really cool is you are also inspiring your children, they see you working hard and that will resonate with them for years to come.

ETJ: All true! People don't want to hear it, but it is true! From when you started this journey, until now, how long have you worked at all this? At times people can be impatient and want instant gratification, and if they don't see that, they may quit! Did you struggle at all and felt at times you wanted to give up?

JS: It's been about a year and 8 months since I have really dedicated my life to it. When I first started I thought I would have a 6 pack in about a year. I am still not even to my 6 pack and I have worked very hard! I have quite a bit of flab left! (Twins will really tear your body up!) Any journey will always have it's peaks and valleys.

After I left my custodial job I went into Property Management where I had to leave my active job to sit at a desk for 8 hours and I got pretty depressed and gained about 10 lbs, but with anything it's just about getting back up and going for it again.

The saying I tell people is "That's what Monday is for" referring to making new goals, getting strict and sticking to a new plan. Sometimes I am not perfect but it's about hard work and the concept of 80-20. 80% of the time you are amazing and work extremely hard and you allow yourself 20% to be a faulty human being.

Progress not perfection. A lot of trial and error for me to actually finally be "ok" with these concepts though, because I was either all in or if I messed up I would beat myself up really bad. You eventually find a happy medium.

ETJ: That is a really great concept, 80-20, I never thought of anything like that, I can see after accepting that concept.... Things might happen more naturally, not forced!? Not to put so much pressure on ones self, people are probably more apt to quit if they feel the need to be perfect, rather than do the best you can and work hard and be "ok" with what you can do! What kind of services as a health coach do you offer? Can you help people over the phone, internet.... or just in person?

JS: I offer a phone consult and in person. They also get unlimited texting and e-mail. We do fun things like take their usual shopping lists to the grocery store and spend time going over ingredients and how to read labels. Also learning about all the "healthy" foods that are not healthy AT ALL. That's usually everyone's favorite! The best part about my services though is the accountability and inspiration I can provide, my passion and excitement usually rubs off on people!

ETJ: That's good to know! I have felt your passion and excitement many times! That is what's makes you and what you do so genuine I think. I like to ask deeper questions, I think you get a better sense of who people really are when asked a question and it is answered with honesty and heart. What do you feel the meaning in life is, for yourself and for people in general?

JS: The meaning of life, in my opinion, is seeking out your purpose. I believe that God has given us all an important role to play in this life and you have to find it within yourself. My favorite quote of all time "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why". I firmly believe that my purpose is to help change the world. A great purpose, might sound intimidating to some but I am up for the job because I know I have a lot of help. Be inspired, in the moment and let go of your fears. "Your life begins at the end of your comfort zone".

ETJ: Wow! I love it. What a passionate answer.... Jamie, you are amazing.... And inspirational! I thank you for letting me interview you for being an inspirational person and being apart of my journey, contributing your wisdom, advice and time! I wish you the best of luck in all your success!

JS: You are awesome, Jamie! What a pleasure it was! I am flattered that you are inspired by my story and your desire to share it!

ETJ: Haha! Thank you!

A Positive Attitude

Jamie has such a fresh and positive attitude. She seems like an old soul to me. Being positive is a huge part of a life change..... Plus, that is what infects others to be inspired.

Thank you all, for taking the time to read this interview, for getting to know Jamie Skagen and her journey.

You ALL rock.... stay positive and healthy!

Do you have a story you'd like to share? Something to inspire us? Let us hear about it, leave your comments below.